
gicentreUtils 3.4.0 (Released 6th February, 2016)

  • Updated to be fully compatible with Processing 3.x or above. This version is no longer backward compatible with Processing 2.x. To use giCentreUtils with Processing 2 or older, download gicentreUtils3.3 and unzip into Processing's libraries folder.
  • Source code now migrated to GitHub.
  • Updated the API documentation and examples.
  • The multisketch package (embedded sketches and slideshow) has been temporarily removed as it relied on Java-specific implementation of Processing 2 (the AWT).
  • Added an updateLayout() method to BarChart and XYChart for sketches that change the font or font size without changing any chart data or layout.
  • Minor bug fixes.

gicentreUtils 3.3.0 (Released 6th April 2013)

  • Further enhancements to the ZoomPan class including full compatibility with the new Processing 2.x event model.
  • Chart decorations can now be switched on or off while preserving layout. This makes it easier to create overlaid charts. Can also customise the colours of chart decorations.
  • Can plug in other renderers into the chart class allowing sketchy rendering of charts via the Handy library.
  • The particle viewer now fully contains a version of the traer physics engine, so no longer needs external reference to that library.
  • New Clipper class for clipping display to an arbitrary region.
  • Added a MapProjection interface to allow customised map projections.
  • Enhancements to FrameTimer so can report by time as well as by frame count.
  • Added Ellipse class to geom package to allow elliptical arcs to be represented as Bezier curves. This allows shapes to be created with elliptical arcs via bezierVertex().
  • Various bug fixes and Processing 2.x compatibility fixes.

gicentreUtils 3.2.0 (Released 2nd August 2011)

  • Enhancements to the ZoomPan class to make it easier to transform offscreen buffers and to constrain zoom range. 
  • Corrected bug in charts classes that prevented correct data to screen transformation being calculated when displayed away from the origin. 
  • Added methods to the charts classes to retrieve the number of pixels between data space and boundary of chart. 
  • Fixed bug in helpscreen that was incorrectly placing footers. 
  • Added new WebMercator projection class with example sketch for converting to/from OpenStreetMaps, GoogleMaps and BingMaps.
  • giCentreUtils is now compatible with Processing 2's new contributed library model.

gicentreUtils 3.1.0 (Released 18th February 2011)

  • ZoomPan can now zoom and pan programmatically. 
  • Added text() methods to the ZoomPan class to allow improved text quality under scaling.
  • ColourPicker now uses embedded raster fonts so no longer dependent on system fonts.
  • StandardEllipse can now take global latitude and longitude values and will cacluclate circular statistical summaries. 
  • Added new network package that contains classes for animating network views of linked nodes.
  • Added methods to chart classes to allow conversion between screen and data coordinate spaces. 
  • Various minor bug fixes.

gicentreUtils 3.0.0 (Released 11th August 2010)

  • gicentreUtils is now fully open source (LGPL licence) and hosted on google code
  • Project home page now at
  • Renamed all packages to remove 'processing' from package names. 
  • 'zoom' package removed and ZoomPan classes placed in the 'move' package. 
  • StandardEllipse moved from 'geom' to 'stat' package. 
  • These changes mean that any sketches that previously used any version of processingUtils will not be compatible with this release until packages are renamed.


Here you can find old versions of the giCentre Utilities library. There should not normally be any need to use these old versions, but are included here in case there are any backward compatibility issues with old sketches.

giCentreUtils V.3.x

ProcessingUtils V.2.x

ProcessingUtils V.1.x